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Research Assistants

Research on Linked Civil and Criminal Court Data

This position will involve working with Professor John Eric Humphries in the development of a project studying civil and criminal court data. The project aims to quantify how low households jointly interact with the civil and criminal court systems and its relationship with poverty

This is an early-stage project and is an opportunity to be directly involved in the research process. The research assistant will work directly with Professor Humphries and his co-authors with the cleaning and analysis of novel civil and criminal court data from the state of Connecticut. The position will offer opportunities for learning important research skills such as working with large administrative data sets, data visualization, data analysis, and machine learning.

Requisite Skills and Qualifications:
Proficiency in statistical/econometric software packages such as Stata and R are essential. Prior experience with Latex and Git, and training in econometrics, statistics, and data science are also a plus, though not required. We particularly encourage applicants experienced with working with large data sets or administrative data to apply.