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Kuznets Lecture

Angus Deaton, Princeton University

This annual event honors Simon Kuznets, the famous Belarusian-American economist who helped establish the Yale Economic Growth Center in 1961.

Angus Deaton

Professor Sir Angus Deaton
Princeton University

Professor Sir Angus Deaton is the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of International Affairs, Emeritus, Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Emeritus, and Senior Scholar at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs.

He was a research officer at the Department of Applied Economics in Cambridge, working with Sir Richard Stone on planning for growth. In 1975, he became Professor of Econometrics at the University of Bristol and moved to Princeton as Professor of Economics, Public, and International Affairs in 1983. He became a Senior Scholar and Emeritus Professor in 2016.

He is the author of almost two hundred papers in professional journals, and of six books, including The Great Escape: health, wealth, and the origins of inequality (2013), of Economics in Americaan immigrant economist explores the land of inequality, (2023) and, with Anne Case, of Deaths of despair and the future of capitalism (2020), a New York Times best-seller.

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