Related Course Credit
(Courses Taken in Other Yale Departments)
Credit toward the Economics major for non-ECON Yale courses
Apart from the math requirement, at most one non-ECON course can count toward the requirements for the economics major, subject to approval of the DUS. Approval may be denied for courses that are not sufficiently related to economics or have substantially overlapping content with ECON courses. Only declared majors may apply.
There are 9 course types that are approved automatically:
MGT, GLBL, PSYC, EP&E, PLSC, SOCY, ACCT, CPSC, S&DS (only 200+ courses)
Contact the Undergraduate Economics Registrar to apply the related course in Degree Audit.
For all other courses, you need to send an email to the DUS enquiring about the specific course you have in mind, and attaching the syllabus of the course. Please copy the Economics undergraduate registrar on your email.
Requests can be submitted any time, even retroactively.