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Kuznets Lecture

Oriana Bandiera, London School of Economics

This annual event honors Simon Kuznets, the famous Belarusian-American economist who helped establish the Yale Economic Growth Center in 1961.

Oriana Bandiera (LSE) delivered the 34th Simon Kuznets Memorial Lecture, “Development and the Organization of Labor.” 

As with recent Kuznets events, the lecture was followed by a mini-conference featuring research on related topics.

The event was held at Yale in Kline Tower, 219 Prospect Street, 14th floor.

2025 Kuznets Mini-Conference

Co-organized by Erika Deserranno (Bocconi University) and Ameet Morjaria (Northwestern University), this mini-conference showcased the work of early- and mid-career researchers on topics related to the 34th Simon Kuznets Memorial Lecture.

Event Details

Image showing garment workers from Turkey

Oriana Bandiera

Oriana Bandiera

Oriana Bandiera is the Sir Anthony Atkinson Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics, and an honorary foreign member of the American Economic Association, a fellow of the British Academy, the Econometric Society, CEPR, BREAD, and IZA. She is co-editor of Econometrica, director of the Hub for Equal Representation at the LSE and of the Gender, Growth and Labour Markets in Low-Income Countries (G²LM|LIC) programme at IZA. Her research focuses on organizations and labor markets, how they affect the process of development, and how they are affected by it.