Kowalski, et al. Win NIHCM Research Award

Associate Professor Amanda Kowalski, former Yale graduate student Martin Hackmann (Pennsylvania State University), and co-author Jonathan Kolstad (Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley), received the 22nd Annual NIHCM Research Award for their paper, “Adverse Selection and the Individual Mandate: When Theory Meets Practice,” published in the American Economic Review.
According to the NIHCM Foundation site, the winning paper, “demonstrated that the individual mandate in Massachusetts reduced adverse selection and costs in the individual market, with an estimated annual welfare gain of $51 million in the state. The judges noted the policy relevance of the findings as the ACA’s individual mandate continues to face political challenges.”
The NIHCM Foundation Health Care Research Award recognizes outstanding published work from researchers furthering innovation in health care financing, delivery and organization or the implementation of health care policy. Eligible articles must have been published in a peer-reviewed journal or similar quality publication during calendar year 2015 either in print or online, and all research articles must address some aspect of health care financing, delivery, organization or policy implementation.
The 22-year-old award is judged by an independent panel of of highly esteemed journalists and researchers. The winners will be honored at a banquet in Washington, DC on May 23 where they will each be presented with a $10,000 prize.