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February 14, 2017

Hörner Named Editor American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

horner photo

Johannes Hörner, Alfred Cowles Professor of Economics, has been named editor of the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, effective November 2016.

A publication of the American Economic Association (AEA), the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics launched in July 2007. Focusing on microeconomic theory; industrial organization; and the microeconomic aspects of international trade, political economy, and finance, “the journal publishes theoretical work as well as both empirical and experimental work with a theoretical framework,” according to the AEA website.

Hörner will be accompanied by two coeditors (John Asker, University of California, Los Angeles, and Michael Ostrovsky, Stanford University), 21 members of the editorial board (including the department’s Philip Haile), a managing editor and assistant managing editor.

AEJ-Micro Article Submissions and Publications

“It’s an honor, to the extent that it means that my peers trust my judgment and my dedication,” said Hörner. “Most importantly, it’s an opportunity to try my hand at contributing to a young but already established journal.”

If the upcoming publication year is anything like the previous year, the editorial staff can expect to be quite busy. According to last year’s numbers, the journal reviewed 337 submissions, publishing 48. 

“Running a journal is a very special business; you have to attract as many submissions as possible, yet the more you attract, the more you end up rejecting,” said Hörner. “To meet this challenge, you have to be fair to the authors, and add value to the papers, even those that are rejected.”

A handful of Cowles Foundation research staff members have had papers published to the journal, including Dirk Bergemann, Florian Ederer, and Giovanni Maggi which can be found on the Cowles publication page.