December 14, 2018
2019 AEA/ASSA Annual Meeting

The American Economic Association (AEA), in conjunction with 59 associations in related disciplines known as the Allied Social Sciences Associations (ASSA), is scheduled to hold it’s three-day annual meeting in Atlanta, GA on January 4-6, 2019, headquartered at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis.
A Reception sponsored by Yale University Department of Economics and the Yale School of Management will be held at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis on Friday, January 6, 2019, from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm in room A708. All Yale faculty, students, and alumni are welcome!
Approximately 50 Yale faculty members and graduate students are taking part as presenters, discussants, panelists, or program chairs. The full preliminary program can be found on the ASSA Annual Meeting page.