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July 10, 2019

Economics and Computer Science Join Forces

econcompsci photo

The faculty of Yale College have approved a new joint major in Computer Science and Economics. The new joint major will be available immediately in the new academic year, 2019/20.  A complete description of the major and its requirements can be found on the Computer Science and Economics Yale Catalog page.
Computer Science and Economics (CSEC) is an interdepartmental major for students interested in the theoretical and practical connections between computer science and economics. The Bachelor of Science in CSEC provides students with foundational knowledge of economics, computation, and data analysis, as well as hands-on experience with empirical analysis of economic data. It prepares students for professional careers that incorporate aspects of both economics and computer science and for academic careers conducting research in the overlap of the two fields. Topics in the overlap include market design, computational finance, economics of online platforms, machine learning, and social media.
The joint major is in structure similar to other joint majors that the Department of Computer Science, and the Department of Economics offer separately. The new joint major allows the departments to offer an introduction into an exciting area of research, skills and professional practice at the cutting edge of the digital economy.
The Director of Undergraduate Studies for the joint major will be Professor Philipp Strack who is joining the Departments of Economics this academic year from UC Berkeley, and is available to answer questions by email. Until his arrival, interested students may also address questions to Joan Feigenbaum in Computer Science or Dirk Bergemann in Economics.