Employer and Employer Characteristics and the Labor Market
Identifying the factors that affect labor market outcomes, both on the demand side (e.g., What affects employee compensation) and supply side (e.g., Does salary predict job choice for individuals), is paramount within social science research. However, we often lack the necessary field-level data to understand many of these relationships. This project leverages proprietary individual-employer (both realized and potential) data to understand how job characteristics (e.g., industry, location, entrepreneurship vs. established employer) and individual characteristics (e.g., education, pedigree, experience, gender, race) affect employee total compensation, both base salary and bonus structure. The next step in this project is to link these data to employee collected data on employee-reported employer rating data. Research assistance is sought to collect data on the firms represented in these data (public and private firms) using Stata and various databases (e.g., CRSP, Compustat, Capital IQ, VentureExpert) under Dr. Botelho’s guidance, along with other tasks that may arise related to this project.
Requisite Skills and Qualifications:
Coursework in statistics/econometrics, a basic knowledge of Stata, attention to detail, ability to work independently and an interest in conducting social science research. Web-scraping skills and prior experience with CRSP, Compustat, Capital IQ, and/or VentureExpert would be beneficial but are not necessary.