Unanticipated Effects of Cannabis Legalization
As more than 20 US states have legalized adult cannabis use, understanding these policies’ effects on a range of health behaviors and outcomes is critical to anticipating their costs and benefits. This project will compile information on state and local cannabis policy variation and link it to state- and respondent- level data on a range of health behaviors and outcomes, to assess such effects and disparities therein. Research assistance is sought to update policy data already compiled in excel through 2020, match the resulting dataset to state and/or respondent-level data in Stata, generate tables and figures, and carry out analyses under Dr. Friedman’s guidance, along with other tasks that might come up related to this project.
Requisite Skills and Qualifications:
A basic knowledge of Stata (proficiency preferred but not required), coursework in statistics and/or econometrics, attention to detail, and the ability to work independently. Web-scraping experience a plus.