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Undergraduate Learning Assistants for Economics | Spring 2025

The Department of Economics seeks ULAs (Undergraduate Learning Assistants) to assist in the teaching of its Spring 2025 courses.


ULAs provide support for students  in a variety of ways, including holding office hours, leading review sessions, and giving feedback on homework assignments. The job typically takes around 8 hours per week and the total weekly pay is $138.75. If you are interested, you must submit the application below by Monday, November 11th, 2024.


The chief courses for which we anticipate will need support are ECON 115, 116, 117, 121, and 122, though it is possible that we may need support in upper-level courses too.


You do not need to have taken a course to be a ULA for it; a more advanced course may suffice. The application asks you to rank your preferences of which course you would like to support.

Applicants are also required to submit of copy of their transcript (it does not have to be official). Please change the name of the file to your last name, first name before uploading and ensure that it is readable.


Please note that this position is only open to UNDERGRADUATES. First-year students are not eligible to apply.