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IDE Student

Miri Aung

IDE Student

Miri Aung is pursuing an MA in International and Development Economics at Yale. She holds a Bachelor of Science (First Class Honors) in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics with Social Data Science from UCL. Miri served as Research Assistant to Professor Dan Honig on multiple projects related to public sector economics. She edited his book “Mission Driven Bureaucrats,” published by Oxford University Press in July 2024. She also contributed to his ongoing ERC-funded research program on “Relational State Capacity.” Miri’s research interests lie in development economics, public sector economics, and conflict studies. She is particularly interested to study interventions to advance human rights and improve public services in developing nations.

Miri is a recipient of the esteemed Public Service Commission scholarship from the Singapore Government. Upon graduation, she will contribute to national development in Singapore and Southeast Asia as a public servant.