Nikhilla B
Originally from Chennai, India, Nikhilla is an IDE student at the Department of Economics. Prior to Yale, she worked with the Centre for Effective Governance of Indian States (CEGIS)- a not for profit for over a year. At CEGIS she was a part of the team working in partnership with the state government of Tamil Nadu. Her role was primarily involved with the School Education Department to assist them achieve grade level learning outcomes for students through the lens of governance. She worked on furthering and habituating data use by dissemination of data in the right form to the stakeholders in the system. She holds a B.A.(Hons) in Liberal Arts & Humanities, major in Economics from OP Jindal Global University, India. Her research interests include women and early childhood development, education and health. After Yale, she hopes to work with organisations involved in monitoring and evaluation of interventions in the above-mentioned sectors. She is a native Tamil speaker and is also proficient in Hindi.