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Zhipeng Liao Publications

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This paper considers semiparametric two-step GMM estimation and inference with weakly dependent data, where unknown nuisance functions are estimated via sieve extremum estimation in the first step. We show that although the asymptotic variance of the second-step GMM estimator may not have a closed form expression, it can be well approximated by sieve variances that have simple closed form expressions. We present consistent or robust variance estimation, Wald tests and Hansen’s (1982) over-identification tests for the second step GMM that properly reflect the first-step estimated functions and the weak dependence of the data. Our sieve semiparametric two-step GMM inference procedures are shown to be numerically equivalent to the ones computed as if the first step were parametric. A new consistent random-perturbation estimator of the derivative of the expectation of the non-smooth moment function is also provided.


In this note, we characterize the semiparametric efficiency bound for a class of semiparametric models in which the unknown nuisance functions are identified via nonparametric conditional moment restrictions with possibly non-nested or over-lapping conditioning sets, and the finite dimensional parameters are potentially over-identified via unconditional moment restrictions involving the nuisance functions. We discover a surprising result that semiparametric two-step optimally weighted GMM estimators achieve the efficiency bound, where the nuisance functions could be estimated via any consistent nonparametric procedures in the first step. Regardless of whether the efficiency bound has a closed form expression or not, we provide easy-to-compute sieve based optimal weight matrices that lead to asymptotically efficient two-step GMM estimators.


This paper overviews recent developments in series estimation of stochastic processes and some of their applications in econometrics. Underlying this approach is the idea that a stochastic process may under certain conditions be represented in terms of a set of orthonormal basis functions, giving a series representation that involves deterministic functions. Several applications of this series approximation method are discussed. The first shows how a continuous function can be approximated by a linear combination of Brownian motions (BMs), which is useful in the study of the spurious regressions. The second application utilizes the series representation of BM to investigate the effect of the presence of deterministic trends in a regression on traditional unit-root tests. The third uses basis functions in the series approximation as instrumental variables (IVs) to perform efficient estimation of the parameters in cointegrated systems. The fourth application proposes alternative estimators of long-run variances in some econometric models with dependent data, thereby providing autocorrelation robust inference methods in these models. We review some work related to these applications and some ongoing research involving series approximation methods.


The method of sieves has been widely used in estimating semiparametric and nonparametric models. In this paper, we first provide a general theory on the asymptotic normality of plug-in sieve M estimators of possibly irregular functionals of semi/nonparametric time series models. Next, we establish a surprising result that the asymptotic variances of plug-in sieve M estimators of irregular (i.e., slower than root-T estimable) functionals do not depend on temporal dependence. Nevertheless, ignoring the temporal dependence in small samples may not lead to accurate inference. We then propose an easy-to-compute and more accurate inference procedure based on a “pre-asymptotic” sieve variance estimator that captures temporal dependence. We construct a “pre-asymptotic” Wald statistic using an orthonormal series long run variance (OS-LRV) estimator. For sieve M estimators of both regular (i.e., root-T estimable) and irregular functionals, a scaled “pre-asymptotic” Wald statistic is asymptotically F distributed when the series number of terms in the OS-LRV estimator is held fixed. Simulations indicate that our scaled “pre-asymptotic” Wald test with F critical values has more accurate size in finite samples than the usual Wald test with chi-square critical values.