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Donald Andrews

Tjalling C. Koopmans Professor of Economics

Donald W. K. Andrews is the T. C. Koopmans Professor of Economics. He is also a Professor of Statistics and Data Science. He is an elected fellow of the Econometric Society and the American Academy of Arts and Science. He is a founding fellow of the International Association of Applied Econometricians and fellow of the Journal of Econometrics. He has received the Plura Scripsit and Plurima Scripsit Econometric Theory Awards. He has won multiple teacher and advisor of the year awards.
Andrews specializes in econometric theory. His interests include inference under partial identification, inference with weak identification and/or weak instruments, uniformity in asymptotic approximations, stationary and nonstationary time series, time vary parameters, tests of structural change and parameter instability, bootstrap methods, semiparametric and nonparametric estimation and testing, empirical process theory, computational methods, and robust estimation and testing.

Ph. D., University of California, Berkeley, 1982.
M. A., University of California, Berkeley, 1980.
B. A., University of British Columbia, 1977.