Considerable evidence in past research shows size distortion in standard tests for zero autocorrelation or zero cross-correlation when time series are not independent identically distributed random variables, pointing to the need for more robust procedures. Recent tests for serial correlation and cross-correlation in Dalla, Giraitis, and Phillips (2022) provide a more robust approach, allowing for heteroskedasticity and dependence in uncorrelated data under restrictions that require a smooth, slowly-evolving deterministic heteroskedasticity process. The present work removes those restrictions and validates the robust testing methodology for a wider class of innovations and regression residuals allowing for heteroscedastic uncorrelated and non-stationary data settings. The updated analysis given here enables more extensive use of the methodology in practical applications. Monte Carlo experiments confirm excellent finite sample performance of the robust test procedures even for extremely complex white noise processes. The empirical examples show that use of robust testing methods can materially reduce spurious evidence of correlations found by standard testing procedures.
Considerable evidence in past research shows size distortion in standard tests for zero autocorrelation or cross-correlation when time series are not independent identically distributed random variables, pointing to the need for more robust procedures. Recent tests for serial correlation and cross-correlation in Dalla, Giraitis, and Phillips (2022) provide a more robust approach, allowing for heteroskedasticity and dependence in un-correlated data under restrictions that require a smooth, slowly-evolving deterministic heteroskedasticity process. The present work removes those restrictions and validates the robust testing methodology for a wider class of heteroskedastic time series models and innovations. The updated analysis given here enables more extensive use of the methodology in practical applications. Monte Carlo experiments confirm excellent finite sample performance of the robust test procedures even for extremely complex white noise processes. The empirical examples show that use of robust testing methods can materially reduce spurious evidence of correlations found by standard testing procedures.
We analyze the applicability of standard normal asymptotic theory for linear process models near the boundary of stationarity. The concept of stationarity is refined, allowing for sample size dependence in the array and paying special attention to the rate at which the boundary unit root case is approached using a localizing coefficient around unity. The primary focus of the present paper is on estimation of the mean, autocovariance and autocorrelation functions within the broad region of stationarity that includes near boundary cases which vary with the sample size. The rate of consistency and the validity of the normal asymptotic approximation for the corresponding estimators is determined both by the sample size n and a parameter measuring the proximity of the model to the unit root boundary. An asymptotic result on the estimation of the localizing coefficient is also presented. To assist in the development of the limit theory in the present case, a suitable asymptotic theory for the behavior of quadratic forms in the vicinity of the boundary of stationarity is provided.
First order autoregression is shown to satisfy a limit theory which is uniform over stationary values of the autoregressive coefficient ρ = ρn in [0,1) provided (1 - ρn)n approaches infinity. This extends existing Gaussian limit theory by allowing for values of stationary rho that include neighbourhoods of unity provided they are wider than (n1), even by a slowly varying factor. Rates of convergence depend on rho and are at least squareroot of /n but less than n. Only second moments are assumed, as in the case of stationary autoregression with fixed ρ.
JEL Classifications: C22
Keywords and Phrases: Autoregression, Gaussian limit theory, local to unity, uniform limit