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Research Assistants

Networks Information Migration in Nepal

Labor migration can be an important pathway for upward mobility (Gibson and McKenzie, 2014; Clemens and Postel., 2017; Mobarak et al., 2020; Bryan et al., 2014; Beegle et al., 2011). Unfortunately, many individuals face large barriers to profitable migration. New migrants must cope with imperfect information on wages and employment prospects in destinations, search costs in finding jobs and housing, risks of abuse by employers, and difficulty navigating unfamiliar laws and norms in a new community. Social networks can help individuals overcome these barriers by sharing information on wages, job opportunities, and strategies for living safely in the destination.

This project is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) testing whether connecting peer migrants and incentivizing co-migration improves migration outcomes. The RA will assist with analysis of baseline data from our experimental sample. The RA may also assist with cleaning and analyzing incoming data from follow-up surveys to estimate impacts of the peer mentorship program on migration outcomes.

Requisite Skills and Qualifications:

Previous statistical programming experience is strongly preferred; experience with Stata is preferred.