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Research Assistants

Learning to Cooperate and Relational Contracts

The purpose of this project is to use Q-learning algorithms to model the interaction of individuals in long term relationships. There is a large literature that studies the set of subgame perfect equilibria in repeated relationships (see The literature typically assumes that individuals make no errors. In practice, individuals make errors and learn over time. Q-learning algorithms from the machine learning literature provide a framework to study the performance of parties over time. The goal is to understands the types of behaviors that lead to more efficient and productive relationships.

Requisite Skills and Qualifications:

The RA will be responsible for using and modifying existing code written in Julia. Julia experience is not explicitly required, but some programming experience and use of git is useful. Julia is a new language developed at MIT that addresses some of the deficiencies of python, while being easier than C or C++. Programs in Julia run as about the same speed as C-code and is widely used for scientific programming. The students should have taken a basic course in game theory.