Labor/Public Economics Workshop, 1997/98 - 2003/04
| 1997/98 | 1998/99 | 1999/00 | 2000/01 | 2001/02 | 2002/03 | 2003/04 |
To find the Archives for more recent years, go to the Events/Seminars page and scroll to the bottom, Past Events
2003/04 | |
Sep. 12 | Thomas Mroz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "The Long-Term Effects of Youth Employment" (with Timothy H. Savage) [Paper] |
Sep. 19 | Thomas DeLeire, Kennedy School of Government, "Worker Sorting and the Risk of Death on the Job" (with Helen Levy) [Paper] |
Sep. 26 | Robert Hall (Stanford University), "Wage Determination and Employment Fluctuations" [Paper] Joint with Cowles Foundation Seminar |
Oct. 3 | Josh Angrist, MIT, "Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Theory and Practice" [Paper] Joint with Econometrics Research Seminar |
Oct. 10 | Petra Todd, University of Pennsylvania, "Using a Social Experiment to Validate a Dynamic Behavioral Model of Child Schooling and Fertility: Assessing the Impact of a School Subsidy Program in Mexico" (with Kenneth Wolpin) [Paper] |
Oct. 24 | Renzo Comolli, Yale, "LGB Wage Gap and Endogeneity of Sexual Orientation Disclosure on the Job" |
Oct. 31 | Sonia Pereira, Visiting Yale, "Wage Growth and Job Mobility in the UK and Germany" (with Christian Dustmann) [Paper] |
Nov. 7 | Robert Fairlie, Visiting Yale, "Why are Black-Owned Businesses Less Successful than White-Owned Businesses? The Role of Families, Inheritances, and Business Human Capital" (with Alicia M. Robb) [Paper] |
Nov. 12 | Janet Currie, UC Los Angeles, "Air Pollution and Infant Health: What Can We Learn From California's Recent Experience?" (with Matthew Neidell) [Paper] Joint with Environmental Economics Workshop |
Dec. 5 | Bruce Meyer, Northwestern University, "Structural Labor Supply Models When Budget Constraints Are Nonlinear" (with BradleyT. Heim) [Paper] |
Dec. 11 | Douglas Staiger, Dartmouth, "Changing School Assignments and Housing Values" Joint with Applied Microeconomics |
Jan. 30 | Joel Horowitz, Northwestern University, "Testing A Parametric Model Against A Nonparametric Alternative With Identification Through Instrumental Variables" [Paper] |
Feb. 20 | Marina Pavan, Boston College, "Consumer Durables and Risky Borrowing: the Effects of Bankruptcy Protection" [Paper] |
Feb. 27 | Miguel Urquiola, Columbia University, "The Central Role of Noise in Evaluating Interventions That Use Test Scores to Rank Schools" (with Kenneth Chay and Patrick J. McEwan) [Paper] |
Mar. 5 | Peter Arcidiacono, Duke University, "Minimum Wages and Positive Employment Effects in General Equilibrium" (with Tom Ahn) [Paper] |
Apr. 2 | Audra J. Bowlus, University of Western Ontario, "Domestic Violence, Employment and Divorce" (with Shannan N. Seitz) [Paper] |
Apr. 8 | Jaap Abbring, Vrije Universiteit, Free University, "Social Experimentation in Real Time" (with Gerard J. van den Berg) [Paper] Joint with Applied Micro Workshop |
Apr. 16 | Andrew Postlewaite, Visiting Yale, "The Effect of Adolescent Experience on Labor Market Outcomes: The Case of Height" (with Nicola Persico and Dan Silverman) [Paper] |
Apr. 30 | Duncan Thomas, UCLA, "Causal Effect of Health on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Random Assignment Iron Supplementation Intervention" (with Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jed Friedman, Jean-Pierre Habicht, Nathan Jones, Christopher McKelvey, Gretel Pelto, Bondan Sikoki, James P. Smith, Cecep Sumantri and Wayan Suriastini) [Paper] Joint with Trade and Development Workshop |
May 6 | Douglas Staiger, Dartmouth, "Do Good Schools or Good Neighbors Raise Property Values?" (with Thomas J. Kane) [Paper] |
May 14 | Lowell Taylor, Carnegie Mellon-Heinz School, "Gender Wage Disparities Among the Highly Educated" (with Dan Black, Amelia Haviland and Seth Sanders) [Paper] |
2002/03 | |
Sep. 13 |
Jonathan Gruber, MIT, "Do Cigarette Taxes Make Smokers Happier?" (with Sendhil Mullainathan) [Paper] |
Sep. 26 | Claudia Goldin, Harvard University, "Making a Name" (with Maria Shim) [Paper] Joint with Economic History Workshop |
Oct. 4 | Carolyn Moehling, Yale University, "Mothers' Pensions and Female Headship" [Paper] |
Oct. 11 | Steven Stern, University of Virginia, "Cohabitation, Marriage, and Divorce in a Model of Match Quality" (with Michael J. Brien) [Paper] |
Oct. 18 | Patrick Bayer, Yale University, "A Unified Framework for Measuring the Value of School Quality" (with Fernando Ferreira and Robert McMillan) [Paper] |
Oct. 29 | Giuseppe Moscarini, Yale University, "Aggregate Worker Reallocation and Occupational Mobility in the US: 1971-2000" (with Francis Vella) [Paper] Joint with Macroeconomics Workshop |
Nov. 1 | Valerie Lechene, Oxford University, "Tests of Income Pooling in Household Decisions" (with Orazio Attanasio) [Paper] |
Nov. 8 | Michael Keane, Yale University, "A Political Economy Model of Congressional Careers" (with Daniel Diermeier and Antonio Merlo) [Paper] |
Nov. 15 | Enrico Moretti, UCLA, "Mother's Education and the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from College Openings and Longitudinal Data" |
Nov. 22 | Caroline Hoxby, Harvard University, "Do and Should Financial Aid Packages Affect Students' College Choices?" (with Chris Avery) [Paper] |
Dec. 6 | Mark Rosenzweig, Harvard University, "Parental Wealth and Adult Children's Welfare in Marriage" (with Jere R. Behrman) [Paper] |
Dec. 13 | Christopher Tabor, Northwestern University, "An Empirical Equilibrium Model of the U.S. Labor Market, 1970-2000" |
Mar. 6 | Jim Poterba, MIT, "Adverse Selection in Annuity Markets: Evidence from the United Kingdom" (with Amy Finkelstein) [Paper] Joint with Applied Microeconomics Workshop |
Mar. 28 | Elizabeth Caucutt, University of Rochester, "Education Policies to Revive a Stagnant Economic. The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa" (with Krishna B. Kumar) [Paper] |
Apr. 2 | Guido Imbens, University of California at Berkeley, "Identification and Inference in Nonlinear Difference-in-differences Models" (with Susan Athey) [Paper] Joint with Econometrics Research Seminar |
Apr. 4 | Lance Lochner, Rochester, "Fifty Years of Mincer Earnings Regressions" (with Petra Todd) [Paper] |
Apr. 18 | Ed Vytlacil, Stanford University, "Estimating The Return to Education When It Varies Among Individuals" (with James Heckman) [Paper] |
May 16 | Derek Neal, University of Chicago, "The Measured Black-White Wage Gap Among Women Is Too Small" [Paper] |
2001/02 | |
Sep. 21 | Cristobol Ridao-Cano, University of Colorado, "Work and Schooling of Children in Bangladesh" [Paper] |
Sep. 28 | Emmanuel Saez, Harvard University/CEPREMAP, "Income Inequality in the United States, 1913-1998" (with Thomas Piketty) [Paper] Joint with Economic History Workshop |
Oct. 5 | Michael Boozer and Tavneet Suri, Yale University, "Child Labor and Schooling Decisions in Ghana" (and Tavneet K. Suri) [Paper] |
Oct. 26 | Thomas Philipson, University of Chicago, "Technological Change and the Growth of Obesity" (with Darius Lakdawalla) [Paper] |
Nov. 2 | Ann Huff Stevens, Yale University, "Do Changes in Pension Incentives Affect Retirement? A Longitudinal Study of Subjective Retirement Expectations" (with Sewin Chan) [Paper] |
Nov. 9 | Stephen Cacciola, Yale University, "The Impact of a Monitoring Technology on Worker Incentives and the Coordination of Firm Activity Evidence from the Trucking Industry" |
Nov. 16 | Luojia Hu, Northwestern University, "Who Gets Good Jobs? The Hiring Decisions and Compensation Structures of Large Firms" [Paper] |
Nov. 30 | Max Schanzenbach, Yale University, "Have Welfare Recipients Responded to Time Limits? Evidence from California Administrative Data and the PSID" |
Feb. 22 | Steve Machin, MIT and University College London, "The Introduction of the UK National Minimum Wage to a Low Wage Labour Market" |
Mar. 1 | Amy Finkelstein, MIT, "Minimum Standards in Insurance Regulation: Evidence from the Medigap Market" [Paper] |
Mar. 8 | Mark Rosenzweig, University of Pennsylvania, "Democratization, Decentralization and the Distribution of Local Public Goods in a Poor Rural Economy" (with Andrew D. Foster) [Paper] |
Mar. 29 | Martin Ravellion, World Bank, "Assisting the Transition from Workfare to Work: A Randomized Experiment" (with Emanuela Galasso and Agustin Salvia) [Paper] and "Do Workfare Participants Recover Quickly from Retrenchment?" (with Emanuela Galasso, Teodoro Lazo and Ernesto Philipp) [Paper] |
Apr. 4 | Anjini Kochar, Stanford University, "Inter-Generational Income Sharing and Schooling Investments" |
Apr. 5 | Monica Costa Dias, University College London, "A General Equilibrium Approach to the Evaluation of Social Programs" |
Apr. 12 | Tomas Philipson, University of Chicago, "The Growth of Obesity and Technological Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination" (with Darius Lakdawalla) [Paper] |
Apr. 19 | Joseph Tracy, Federal Reserve Board of New York, "Wages and Foreign Exchange Markets" [Paper] |
May 3 | Lena Edlund, Columbia University, "Growth: What's Love Got to Do with It?" |
2000/01 | |
Sep. 15 | David Jaeger, CUNY, "Local Labor Markets, Admission Categories, and Immigration Location Choice" [Paper] |
Sep. 22 | Robert Jensen, JFK School of Government, Harvard University, "The Consequences of Pension Failure: The Russian Case" (with Kaspar Richter) [Paper] |
Sep. 29 | Michael Boozer and Stephen Cacciola, Yale University, "Identification of Peer Group Effects from Social Program Using Randomization" |
Oct. 13 | Anne Case, Princeton University, Education Attainment in Blended Families |
Oct. 20 | Elaina Rose, University of Washington, Seattle, "The Effects of Sons and Daughters on Men's Labor Supply and Wages" (with Shelly Lundberg) [Paper] |
Oct. 27 | Andrew Pearlman, Yale University, "The Rise of Manage Care and the Decline of Physician Self-Employment" [Paper] |
Nov. 10 | Max Schanzenbach, Yale University, "The Labor Market Effects of Common Law Exceptions to Employment at Will" |
Dec. 1 | Julie Cullen, University of Michigan, "The Impact of School Choice on Student Outcomes: An Analysis of Chicago Public Schools" (with Brian A. Jacob and Steven D. Levitt) [Paper] |
Dec. 8 | Bruce Sacerdote, Dartmouth College, "The Nature and Nurture of Economic Outcomes" |
Feb. 9 | Patricia Anderson, Dartmouth College, "Where the Boys Aren't: Recent Trends in U.S. College Enrollment Patterns" [Paper] |
Feb. 16 | David Card, University of California, Berkeley, "Cohort Relative Supplies of Education and the Rising Return to Education among Young Workers" (with Thomas Lemieux) [Paper] |
Feb. 23 | Hanan Jacoby, World Bank, "Monopoly Power and Distribution in Fragmented Markets: The Case of Groundwater" (with Rinku Murgai and Saeed Ur Rehman) [Paper] Joint with Workshop in Trade and Development |
Mar. 2 | Jeff Smith, University of West Toronto, "Does Matching Overcome Lalonde's Critique of Nonexperimental Estimators" |
Mar. 19 | Costas Meghir, University College London, "Changes in the Distribution of Wages Accounting for Changes in Employment" Joint with Workshop in Trade and Development |
Mar. 23 | John Strauss, Michigan State University, "Targeting of Food Aid in Rural Ethiopia: Chronic Need or Inertia?" (with T.S. Jayne, Takashi Yamano and Daniel Molla) [Paper] |
Mar. 30 | Rob McMillan, University of Toronto, "Parental Pressure and Private School Competition" [Paper] |
Apr. 6 | Robert Townsend, University of Chicago, "The Nature of Financial Constraints: Distinguishing the Micro Underpinnings of Macro Models" Joint with Workshop in Trade and Development |
Apr. 13 | Stephen Cacciola, Yale University, Yale University, "On-Board Computer Use and Organization in the Trucking Industry" |
Apr. 20 | Duncan Thomas, University of California, Los Angeles, "Education in a Crisis" |
Apr. 27 | Pierre Andre Chiappori, University of Chicago, "Household Labor Supply, Sharing Rule and the Marriage Market" |
1999/00 | |
Sep. 23 | Ian Keay, McGill University, "Technology, Efficiency, and Entrepreneurial Failure: Firm Level Evidence 1907-1990" Joint with Economic History Workshop |
Sep. 30 | Eli Berman, Boston University, Sect, Subsidy and Sacrifice: An Economist's View of Ultra-Orthodox Jews |
Oct. 7 | Markus Goldstein, University of California, Berkeley, "Chop Time, No Friends, Examining Options for Individual Insurance in Southern Ghana" |
Oct. 14 | Simon Wegge, Lake Forest College, "Self Selection of 19th Century German Emigrants " Joint with Economic History Workshop |
Oct. 21 | Sanjay DeSilva, Yale University, "Measuring the Effect of Unobserved Skills in the Land-Leasing Market" |
Oct. 28 | Andrew Pearlman, Yale University, "Comparison of Self-Employed and Employee Physician Labor Supply" |
Nov. 4 | Sarah Senesky, Yale University, "Commuting Time as a Measure of Employment Costs" |
Nov. 11 | Hugo Benitez-Silva, Yale University, "A Joint Model of Labor Supply and Consumption Decisions among Older Americans in a Changing Policy Environment" |
Nov. 18 | Giovanni Federico, University of Pisa/UCLA, "Market Integration in 19th Century Italy" Joint with Economic History Workshop |
Dec. 2 | Ann Piehl, Harvard University, "Testing for Structural Breaks in the Evaluation of Programs" |
Dec. 9 | Gianni Toniolo, University of Rome/Duke University, "Is the Kuznets Curve Still Alive? Evidence from Italian Household Budgets 1880-1960" Joint with Economic History Workshop |
Feb. 11 | Michael Boozer, Yale University, "Heterogeneity in the Effects of Using Merit Pay in Schools: Effort Versus Sorting in Multi-Tasking Principal-Agents Models" |
Feb. 18 | Tom Downesi, Tufts University, "What Are the Effects of School Finance Reforms? Estimates of the Impact of Equalization on Students and on Affected Communities" |
Feb. 25 | Joe Altonji, Northwestern University, "Selection on Observed and Unobserved Variables: Assessing the Effectiveness of Catholic Schools" |
Mar. 3 | Raquel Fernandez, New York University, "Sorting and Long-Run Inequality" |
Mar. 24 | Max Schanzenbach, Yale University, "Welfare Reform and Time Limits" |
Mar. 31 | Francine Blau, Cornell University/Russell Sage Foundation, "Understanding International Differences in the Gender Gap" |
Apr. 6 | Michael Baker, University of Toronto, "Comparable Worth Comes to the Private Sector: The Case of Ontario" (with Nicole Fortin) [Paper] Joint with Applied Microeconomics Seminar |
Apr. 14 | David Zimmerman, Williams College, "Peer Effects in Academic Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment" |
Apr. 21 | Paolo Macedo, Yale University, "Spatial Distribution and Structural Determinants of Local Economic Efficiency-Evidence from Brazil" |
Apr. 28 | Eric Hanushek, University of Rochester, "Teachers, Schools, and Academic Achievement" |
May 19 | P. Duraisamy, Yale University, "Changes in the Rate of Return to Education in India" |
1998/99 | |
Sep. 11 | Jennifer Hunt, Yale University, "Wage Growth in East Germany 1990-1996" |
Sep. 18 | Robin Lumsdaine, Brown University, "Caring for Grandchildren and the Retirement Decision" |
Sep. 25 | Joseph Hotz, University of California, Los Angeles, "Are There Returns to the Wages of Young Men from Working While in School?" |
Oct. 2 | Anne Royalty, Stanford University, "A Discrete Choice Approach to Estimating Workers' Marginal Valuation of Fringe Benefits" |
Oct. 9 | Andrew Hildreth, University of Essex/UCLA Berkeley, "Strikes, Inventories and Union Legislation" |
Oct. 30 | Ayal Kimhi, Hebrew University/Yale University, "Capital Accumulation and Off-Farm Work Decisions of Israeli Farmers over the Life-Cycle" (with Avner Ahituv) |
Nov. 13 | Jill M. Constantine, Williams College/Yale University, "Returns to Historically Black Colleges and Universities: An Analysis by Gender" |
Nov. 20 | Rob Fairlie, University of California, Santa Cruz, "Drug Dealing and Self-Employment" |
Dec. 4 | Christopher Udry, Yale University, "Learning and Innovation: The Adoption of Pineapple in Ghana" |
Jan. 14 | Esther Duflo, MIT, "Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia: Evidence from an Unusual Policy Experiment" |
Jan. 15 | David Lee, Princeton University, "Estimating Changes in the Demand for Unobservable Skill: A Structural Index Approach" |
Feb. 12 | Hugo Benitez, Yale University, "Micro Determinants of Labor Force Status among Aging Americans" |
Feb. 26 | Dana D. Chen, Duke University, "Intra-Household Educational Resource Allocation between Boys and Girls: A Structural Approach" |
Mar. 5 | Stephen Cacciola, Yale University, "Some Thoughts on the Effects of Incentive Pay on Employee Performance" |
Apr. 2 | Rocio Ribero, Yale University, "Earnings Effects of Household Investment in Health -- The Case of Colombia" |
Apr. 9 | Sanjay DeSilva, Yale University, "Allocating Labor and Human Capital through Land Leasing When Labor Markets Are Imperfect" |
Apr. 16 | Dennis Yang, Duke University, "Family Investments in Education and Economic Development" |
Apr. 23 | Caroline Hoxby, Harvard University, "Benevolent Colluders? The Effects of Antitrust on College Financial Aid and Tuition" |
Apr. 30 | Olivia Mitchell, University of Pennsylvania, Worklife Determinants of Retirement Income Differentials between Men and Women |
May 7 | Sarah Senesky, Yale University, "Commuting Time as a Measure of Employment Costs" |
May 12 | Michael Boozer, Yale University, "Nonseperabilities, Endogenous Preferences and Measurement Error in the Analysis of Intertemporal Labor Supply: Testing and Structural Analysis via Correlated Random Effects" |
1997/98 | |
Sep. 12 | Jeffrey DeSimone, Yale University, "The Effect of Cocaine Prices on Crime" |
Sep. 19 | Mark Smith, Yale University, "State Welfare Benefits: The Political Economy of Spatial Spillovers" |
Sep. 26 | Robert Margo, Vanderbilt University, "Wages in California after the Goldrush" Joint with Economic History Workshop |
Oct. 3 | Jessica Holmes, Yale University, "Measuring the Determinants of School Completion in Pakistan: Analysis of Censoring and Selection Bias" |
Oct. 10 | Jennifer Mellor, Yale University, "Long Term Care and Nursing Home Coverage: Are Children Substitutes for Insurance?" |
Oct. 17 | Peter Orazem, Iowa State University, "Capital Deepening, Biased Technical Change and Earnings Inequality: A Reexamination of the Griliches Hypothesis" |
Nov. 7 | Ann Huff Stevens, Yale University, "Job Loss and Earnings Instability" |
Nov. 21 | Todd Idson, Columbia University, "The Wage Arrears Crisis in Russia" |
Dec. 5 | Lisa Lynch, Tufts University, "How to Compete: Impact of New Technology and Workplace Practices on Productivity" |
Jan. 30 | Kaivan Munshi, Boston University, "Social Effects in the Demographic Transition: Evidence from Matlab, Bangladesh" |
Feb. 13 | John Rust, Yale University, Empirical Analysis of Social Security Disability: Application, Appeal, and Award |
Feb. 27 | Seth Sanders, Carnegie Mellon, "Smoothing the Fixed-Effects Estimator: Distinguishing Permanent and Transitory Changes" |
Mar. 23 | Ricardo Barros, IPEA Brazil, "Labor Markets Imperfections and the Level of Poverty and Inequality in Latin America" Joint with Trade and Development Workshop |
Mar. 27 | John Ham, University of Pittsburgh, "Unemployment and the Social Safety Net During Transitions to a Market Economy: Evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics" |
Apr. 17 | Sarah Senesky, Yale University, "Testing Whether Intertemporal Labor Supply Is Determined between Jobs: Modeling Jobs as Packages" |
Apr. 24 | Robert Moffitt, John Hopkins University, "Taxation and the Labor Supply Decisions of the Affluent" |
May 1 | Andrew Pearlman, Yale University, "Decomposition of Changes in the Self-Employment Rate, 1950-1990: How Much Is Due to Shifts in the Composition of the Labor Force?" |
May 8 | Sanjay DeSilva, University, "Separating the Farm from the Household. Why Does It Matter? An Empirical Study of Sri Lankan Agriculture" |