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Labor/Public Economics Workshop, 1997/98 - 2003/04

| 1997/98 | 1998/99 | 1999/00 | 2000/01 | 2001/02 | 2002/03 | 2003/04 |

To find the Archives for more recent years, go to the Events/Seminars page and scroll to the bottom, Past Events

Sep. 12 Thomas Mroz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "The Long-Term Effects of Youth Employment" (with Timothy H. Savage) [Paper]
Sep. 19 Thomas DeLeire, Kennedy School of Government, "Worker Sorting and the Risk of Death on the Job" (with Helen Levy) [Paper]
Sep. 26 Robert Hall (Stanford University), "Wage Determination and Employment Fluctuations" [Paper]
   Joint with Cowles Foundation Seminar
Oct. 3 Josh Angrist, MIT, "Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Theory and Practice" [Paper]
   Joint with Econometrics Research Seminar
Oct. 10 Petra Todd, University of Pennsylvania, "Using a Social Experiment to Validate a Dynamic Behavioral Model of Child Schooling and Fertility: Assessing the Impact of a School Subsidy Program in Mexico" (with Kenneth Wolpin) [Paper]
Oct. 24 Renzo Comolli, Yale, "LGB Wage Gap and Endogeneity of Sexual Orientation Disclosure on the Job"
Oct. 31 Sonia Pereira, Visiting Yale, "Wage Growth and Job Mobility in the UK and Germany" (with Christian Dustmann) [Paper]
Nov. 7 Robert Fairlie, Visiting Yale, "Why are Black-Owned Businesses Less Successful than White-Owned Businesses?  The Role of Families, Inheritances, and Business Human Capital" (with Alicia M. Robb) [Paper]
Nov. 12 Janet Currie, UC Los Angeles, "Air Pollution and Infant Health: What Can We Learn From California's Recent Experience?" (with Matthew Neidell) [Paper]
   Joint with Environmental Economics Workshop
Dec. 5 Bruce Meyer, Northwestern University, "Structural Labor Supply Models When Budget Constraints Are Nonlinear" (with BradleyT. Heim) [Paper]
Dec. 11 Douglas Staiger, Dartmouth, "Changing School Assignments and Housing Values"
   Joint with Applied Microeconomics
Jan. 30 Joel Horowitz, Northwestern University, "Testing A Parametric Model Against A Nonparametric Alternative With Identification Through Instrumental Variables" [Paper]
Feb. 20 Marina Pavan, Boston College, "Consumer Durables and Risky Borrowing: the Effects of Bankruptcy Protection" [Paper]
Feb. 27 Miguel Urquiola, Columbia University, "The Central Role of Noise in Evaluating Interventions That Use Test Scores to Rank Schools" (with Kenneth Chay and Patrick J. McEwan) [Paper]
Mar. 5 Peter Arcidiacono, Duke University, "Minimum Wages and Positive Employment Effects in General Equilibrium" (with Tom Ahn) [Paper]
Apr. 2 Audra J. Bowlus, University of Western Ontario, "Domestic Violence, Employment and Divorce" (with Shannan N. Seitz) [Paper]
Apr. 8 Jaap Abbring, Vrije Universiteit, Free University, "Social Experimentation in Real Time" (with Gerard J. van den Berg) [Paper]
   Joint with Applied Micro Workshop
Apr. 16 Andrew Postlewaite, Visiting Yale, "The Effect of Adolescent Experience on Labor Market Outcomes: The Case of Height" (with Nicola Persico and Dan Silverman) [Paper]
Apr. 30 Duncan Thomas, UCLA, "Causal Effect of Health on Labor Market Outcomes:  Evidence from a Random Assignment Iron Supplementation Intervention" (with Elizabeth Frankenberg, Jed Friedman, Jean-Pierre Habicht, Nathan Jones, Christopher McKelvey, Gretel Pelto, Bondan Sikoki, James P. Smith, Cecep Sumantri and Wayan Suriastini) [Paper]
   Joint with Trade and Development Workshop
May 6 Douglas Staiger, Dartmouth, "Do Good Schools or Good Neighbors Raise Property Values?" (with Thomas J. Kane) [Paper]
May 14 Lowell Taylor, Carnegie Mellon-Heinz School, "Gender Wage Disparities Among the Highly Educated" (with Dan Black, Amelia Haviland and Seth Sanders) [Paper]
Sep. 13

Jonathan Gruber, MIT, "Do Cigarette Taxes Make Smokers Happier?" (with Sendhil Mullainathan) [Paper]

Sep. 26 Claudia Goldin, Harvard University, "Making a Name" (with Maria Shim) [Paper]
   Joint with Economic History Workshop
Oct. 4 Carolyn Moehling, Yale University, "Mothers' Pensions and Female Headship" [Paper]
Oct. 11 Steven Stern, University of Virginia, "Cohabitation, Marriage, and Divorce in a Model of Match Quality" (with Michael J. Brien) [Paper]
Oct. 18 Patrick Bayer, Yale University, "A Unified Framework for Measuring the Value of School Quality" (with Fernando Ferreira and Robert McMillan) [Paper]
Oct. 29 Giuseppe Moscarini, Yale University, "Aggregate Worker Reallocation and Occupational Mobility in the US: 1971-2000" (with Francis Vella) [Paper]
   Joint with Macroeconomics Workshop
Nov. 1 Valerie Lechene, Oxford University, "Tests of Income Pooling in Household Decisions" (with Orazio Attanasio) [Paper]
Nov. 8 Michael Keane, Yale University, "A Political Economy Model of Congressional Careers" (with Daniel Diermeier and Antonio Merlo) [Paper]
Nov. 15 Enrico Moretti, UCLA, "Mother's Education and the Intergenerational Transmission of Human Capital: Evidence from College Openings and Longitudinal Data"
Nov. 22 Caroline Hoxby, Harvard University, "Do and Should Financial Aid Packages Affect Students' College Choices?" (with Chris Avery) [Paper]
Dec. 6 Mark Rosenzweig, Harvard University, "Parental Wealth and Adult Children's Welfare in Marriage" (with Jere R. Behrman) [Paper]
Dec. 13 Christopher Tabor, Northwestern University, "An Empirical Equilibrium Model of the U.S. Labor Market, 1970-2000"
Mar. 6 Jim Poterba, MIT, "Adverse Selection in Annuity Markets: Evidence from the United Kingdom" (with Amy Finkelstein) [Paper]
   Joint with Applied Microeconomics Workshop
Mar. 28 Elizabeth Caucutt, University of Rochester, "Education Policies to Revive a Stagnant Economic.  The Case of Sub-Saharan Africa" (with Krishna B. Kumar) [Paper]
Apr. 2 Guido Imbens, University of California at Berkeley, "Identification and Inference in Nonlinear Difference-in-differences Models" (with Susan Athey) [Paper]
   Joint with Econometrics Research Seminar
Apr. 4 Lance Lochner, Rochester, "Fifty Years of Mincer Earnings Regressions" (with Petra Todd) [Paper]
Apr. 18 Ed Vytlacil, Stanford University, "Estimating The Return to Education When It Varies Among Individuals" (with James Heckman) [Paper]
May 16 Derek Neal, University of Chicago, "The Measured Black-White Wage Gap Among Women Is Too Small" [Paper]
Sep. 21 Cristobol Ridao-Cano, University of Colorado, "Work and Schooling of Children in Bangladesh" [Paper]
Sep. 28 Emmanuel Saez, Harvard University/CEPREMAP, "Income Inequality in the United States, 1913-1998" (with Thomas Piketty) [Paper]
   Joint with Economic History Workshop
Oct. 5 Michael Boozer and Tavneet Suri, Yale University, "Child Labor and Schooling Decisions in Ghana" (and Tavneet K. Suri) [Paper]
Oct. 26 Thomas Philipson, University of Chicago, "Technological Change and the Growth of Obesity" (with Darius Lakdawalla) [Paper]
Nov. 2 Ann Huff Stevens, Yale University, "Do Changes in Pension Incentives Affect Retirement? A Longitudinal Study of Subjective Retirement Expectations" (with Sewin Chan) [Paper]
Nov. 9 Stephen Cacciola, Yale University, "The Impact of a Monitoring Technology on Worker Incentives and the Coordination of Firm Activity Evidence from the Trucking Industry"
Nov. 16 Luojia Hu, Northwestern University, "Who Gets Good Jobs? The Hiring Decisions and Compensation Structures of Large Firms" [Paper]
Nov. 30 Max Schanzenbach, Yale University, "Have Welfare Recipients Responded to Time Limits? Evidence from California Administrative Data and the PSID"
Feb. 22 Steve Machin, MIT and University College London, "The Introduction of the UK National Minimum Wage to a Low Wage Labour Market"
Mar. 1 Amy Finkelstein, MIT, "Minimum Standards in Insurance Regulation: Evidence from the Medigap Market" [Paper]
Mar. 8 Mark Rosenzweig, University of Pennsylvania, "Democratization, Decentralization and the Distribution of Local Public Goods in a Poor Rural Economy" (with Andrew D. Foster) [Paper]
Mar. 29 Martin Ravellion, World Bank, "Assisting the Transition from Workfare to Work: A Randomized Experiment" (with Emanuela Galasso and Agustin Salvia) [Paper] and "Do Workfare Participants Recover Quickly from Retrenchment?" (with Emanuela Galasso, Teodoro Lazo and Ernesto Philipp) [Paper]
Apr. 4 Anjini Kochar, Stanford University, "Inter-Generational Income Sharing and Schooling Investments"
Apr. 5 Monica Costa Dias, University College London, "A General Equilibrium Approach to the Evaluation of Social Programs"
Apr. 12 Tomas Philipson, University of Chicago, "The Growth of Obesity and Technological Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination" (with Darius Lakdawalla) [Paper]
Apr. 19 Joseph Tracy, Federal Reserve Board of New York, "Wages and Foreign Exchange Markets" [Paper]
May 3 Lena Edlund, Columbia University, "Growth: What's Love Got to Do with It?"
Sep. 15 David Jaeger, CUNY, "Local Labor Markets, Admission Categories, and Immigration Location Choice" [Paper]
Sep. 22 Robert Jensen, JFK School of Government, Harvard University, "The Consequences of Pension Failure: The Russian Case" (with Kaspar Richter) [Paper]
Sep. 29 Michael Boozer and Stephen Cacciola, Yale University, "Identification of Peer Group Effects from Social Program Using Randomization"
Oct. 13 Anne Case, Princeton University, Education Attainment in Blended Families
Oct. 20 Elaina Rose, University of Washington, Seattle, "The Effects of Sons and Daughters on Men's Labor Supply and Wages" (with Shelly Lundberg) [Paper]
Oct. 27 Andrew Pearlman, Yale University, "The Rise of Manage Care and the Decline of Physician Self-Employment" [Paper]
Nov. 10 Max Schanzenbach, Yale University, "The Labor Market Effects of Common Law Exceptions to Employment at Will"
Dec. 1 Julie Cullen, University of Michigan, "The Impact of School Choice on Student Outcomes: An Analysis of Chicago Public Schools" (with Brian A. Jacob and Steven D. Levitt) [Paper]
Dec. 8 Bruce Sacerdote, Dartmouth College, "The Nature and Nurture of Economic Outcomes"
Feb. 9 Patricia Anderson, Dartmouth College, "Where the Boys Aren't: Recent Trends in U.S. College Enrollment Patterns" [Paper]
Feb. 16 David Card, University of California, Berkeley, "Cohort Relative Supplies of Education and the Rising Return to Education among Young Workers" (with Thomas Lemieux) [Paper]
Feb. 23 Hanan Jacoby, World Bank, "Monopoly Power and Distribution in Fragmented Markets: The Case of Groundwater" (with Rinku Murgai and Saeed Ur Rehman) [Paper]
   Joint with Workshop in Trade and Development
Mar. 2 Jeff Smith, University of West Toronto, "Does Matching Overcome Lalonde's Critique of Nonexperimental Estimators"
Mar. 19 Costas Meghir, University College London, "Changes in the Distribution of Wages Accounting for Changes in Employment"
   Joint with Workshop in Trade and Development
Mar. 23 John Strauss, Michigan State University, "Targeting of Food Aid in Rural Ethiopia: Chronic Need or Inertia?" (with T.S. Jayne, Takashi Yamano and Daniel Molla) [Paper]
Mar. 30 Rob McMillan, University of Toronto, "Parental Pressure and Private School Competition" [Paper]
Apr. 6 Robert Townsend, University of Chicago, "The Nature of Financial Constraints:  Distinguishing the Micro Underpinnings of Macro Models"
   Joint with Workshop in Trade and Development
Apr. 13 Stephen Cacciola, Yale University, Yale University, "On-Board Computer Use and Organization in the Trucking Industry"
Apr. 20 Duncan Thomas, University of California, Los Angeles, "Education in a Crisis"
Apr. 27 Pierre Andre Chiappori, University of Chicago, "Household Labor Supply, Sharing Rule and the Marriage Market"
Sep. 23 Ian Keay, McGill University, "Technology, Efficiency, and Entrepreneurial Failure: Firm Level Evidence 1907-1990"
   Joint with Economic History Workshop
Sep. 30 Eli Berman, Boston University, Sect, Subsidy and Sacrifice: An Economist's View of Ultra-Orthodox Jews
Oct. 7 Markus Goldstein, University of California, Berkeley, "Chop Time, No Friends, Examining Options for Individual Insurance in Southern Ghana"
Oct. 14 Simon Wegge, Lake Forest College, "Self Selection of 19th Century German Emigrants "
   Joint with Economic History Workshop
Oct. 21 Sanjay DeSilva, Yale University, "Measuring the Effect of Unobserved Skills in the Land-Leasing Market"
Oct. 28 Andrew Pearlman, Yale University, "Comparison of Self-Employed and Employee Physician Labor Supply"
Nov. 4 Sarah Senesky, Yale University, "Commuting Time as a Measure of Employment Costs"
Nov. 11 Hugo Benitez-Silva, Yale University, "A Joint Model of Labor Supply and Consumption Decisions among Older Americans in a Changing Policy Environment"
Nov. 18 Giovanni Federico, University of Pisa/UCLA, "Market Integration in 19th Century Italy"
   Joint with Economic History Workshop
Dec. 2 Ann Piehl, Harvard University, "Testing for Structural Breaks in the Evaluation of Programs"
Dec. 9 Gianni Toniolo, University of Rome/Duke University, "Is the Kuznets Curve Still Alive? Evidence from Italian Household Budgets 1880-1960"
  Joint with Economic History Workshop
Feb. 11 Michael Boozer, Yale University, "Heterogeneity in the Effects of Using Merit Pay in Schools: Effort Versus Sorting in Multi-Tasking Principal-Agents Models"
Feb. 18 Tom Downesi, Tufts University, "What Are the Effects of School Finance Reforms? Estimates of the Impact of Equalization on Students and on Affected Communities"
Feb. 25 Joe Altonji, Northwestern University, "Selection on Observed and Unobserved Variables: Assessing the Effectiveness of Catholic Schools"
Mar. 3 Raquel Fernandez, New York University, "Sorting and Long-Run Inequality"
Mar. 24 Max Schanzenbach, Yale University, "Welfare Reform and Time Limits"
Mar. 31 Francine Blau, Cornell University/Russell Sage Foundation, "Understanding International Differences in the Gender Gap"
Apr. 6 Michael Baker, University of Toronto, "Comparable Worth Comes to the Private Sector: The Case of Ontario" (with Nicole Fortin) [Paper]
   Joint with Applied Microeconomics Seminar
Apr. 14 David Zimmerman, Williams College, "Peer Effects in Academic Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment"
Apr. 21 Paolo Macedo, Yale University, "Spatial Distribution and Structural Determinants of Local Economic Efficiency-Evidence from Brazil"
Apr. 28 Eric Hanushek, University of Rochester, "Teachers, Schools, and Academic Achievement"
May 19 P. Duraisamy, Yale University, "Changes in the Rate of Return to Education in India"
Sep. 11 Jennifer Hunt, Yale University, "Wage Growth in East Germany 1990-1996"
Sep. 18 Robin Lumsdaine, Brown University, "Caring for Grandchildren and the Retirement Decision"
Sep. 25 Joseph Hotz, University of California, Los Angeles, "Are There Returns to the Wages of Young Men from Working While in School?"
Oct. 2 Anne Royalty, Stanford University, "A Discrete Choice Approach to Estimating Workers' Marginal Valuation of Fringe Benefits"
Oct. 9 Andrew Hildreth, University of Essex/UCLA Berkeley, "Strikes, Inventories and Union Legislation"
Oct. 30 Ayal Kimhi, Hebrew University/Yale University, "Capital Accumulation and Off-Farm Work Decisions of Israeli Farmers over the Life-Cycle" (with Avner Ahituv)
Nov. 13 Jill M. Constantine, Williams College/Yale University, "Returns to Historically Black Colleges and Universities: An Analysis by Gender"
Nov. 20 Rob Fairlie, University of California, Santa Cruz, "Drug Dealing and Self-Employment"
Dec. 4 Christopher Udry, Yale University, "Learning and Innovation: The Adoption of Pineapple in Ghana"
Jan. 14 Esther Duflo, MIT, "Schooling and Labor Market Consequences of School Construction in Indonesia: Evidence from an Unusual Policy Experiment"
Jan. 15 David Lee, Princeton University, "Estimating Changes in the Demand for Unobservable Skill: A Structural Index Approach"
Feb. 12 Hugo Benitez, Yale University, "Micro Determinants of Labor Force Status among Aging Americans"
Feb. 26 Dana D. Chen, Duke University, "Intra-Household Educational Resource Allocation between Boys and Girls: A Structural Approach"
Mar. 5 Stephen Cacciola, Yale University, "Some Thoughts on the Effects of Incentive Pay on Employee Performance"
Apr. 2 Rocio Ribero, Yale University, "Earnings Effects of Household Investment in Health -- The Case of Colombia"
Apr. 9 Sanjay DeSilva, Yale University, "Allocating Labor and Human Capital through Land Leasing When Labor Markets Are Imperfect"
Apr. 16 Dennis Yang, Duke University, "Family Investments in Education and Economic Development"
Apr. 23 Caroline Hoxby, Harvard University, "Benevolent Colluders? The Effects of Antitrust on College Financial Aid and Tuition"
Apr. 30 Olivia Mitchell, University of Pennsylvania, Worklife Determinants of Retirement Income Differentials between Men and Women
May 7 Sarah Senesky, Yale University, "Commuting Time as a Measure of Employment Costs"
May 12 Michael Boozer, Yale University, "Nonseperabilities, Endogenous Preferences and Measurement Error in the Analysis of Intertemporal Labor Supply: Testing and Structural Analysis via Correlated Random Effects"
Sep. 12 Jeffrey DeSimone, Yale University, "The Effect of Cocaine Prices on Crime"
Sep. 19 Mark Smith, Yale University, "State Welfare Benefits: The Political Economy of Spatial Spillovers"
Sep. 26 Robert Margo, Vanderbilt University, "Wages in California after the Goldrush"
   Joint with Economic History Workshop
Oct. 3 Jessica Holmes, Yale University, "Measuring the Determinants of School Completion in Pakistan: Analysis of Censoring and Selection Bias"
Oct. 10 Jennifer Mellor, Yale University, "Long Term Care and Nursing Home Coverage: Are Children Substitutes for Insurance?"
Oct. 17 Peter Orazem, Iowa State University, "Capital Deepening, Biased Technical Change and Earnings Inequality: A Reexamination of the Griliches Hypothesis"
Nov. 7 Ann Huff Stevens, Yale University, "Job Loss and Earnings Instability"
Nov. 21 Todd Idson, Columbia University, "The Wage Arrears Crisis in Russia"
Dec. 5 Lisa Lynch, Tufts University, "How to Compete: Impact of New Technology and Workplace Practices on Productivity"
Jan. 30 Kaivan Munshi, Boston University, "Social Effects in the Demographic Transition: Evidence from Matlab, Bangladesh"
Feb. 13 John Rust, Yale University, Empirical Analysis of Social Security Disability: Application, Appeal, and Award
Feb. 27 Seth Sanders, Carnegie Mellon, "Smoothing the Fixed-Effects Estimator: Distinguishing Permanent and Transitory Changes"
Mar. 23 Ricardo Barros, IPEA Brazil, "Labor Markets Imperfections and the Level of Poverty and Inequality in Latin America"
   Joint with Trade and Development Workshop
Mar. 27 John Ham, University of Pittsburgh, "Unemployment and the Social Safety Net During Transitions to a Market Economy: Evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics"
Apr. 17 Sarah Senesky, Yale University, "Testing Whether Intertemporal Labor Supply Is Determined between Jobs: Modeling Jobs as Packages"
Apr. 24 Robert Moffitt, John Hopkins University, "Taxation and the Labor Supply Decisions of the Affluent"
May 1 Andrew Pearlman, Yale University, "Decomposition of Changes in the Self-Employment Rate, 1950-1990: How Much Is Due to Shifts in the Composition of the Labor Force?"
May 8 Sanjay DeSilva, University, "Separating the Farm from the Household. Why Does It Matter? An Empirical Study of Sri Lankan Agriculture"