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Aleh Tsyvinski, Papers

Working Papers

Direct and Indirect Taxes in Pollution Dynamics (with Vladimir Smirnyagin and Xi Wu), July 2024. [paper]

Market Failures of Carbon Trading (with Nicola Borri, Yukun Liu, and Xi Wu), July 2024. [paper]

Supply Chain Disruptions and Supplier Capital in US Firms (with Ernest Liu and Vladimir Smirnyagin), May 2024. [paper]

Macroeconomics of Mental Health (with Boaz Abramson and Job Boerma), April 2024. [paper]

One Factor to Bind the Cross-Section of Returns (with Nicola Borri, Denis Chetverikov, and Yukun Liu), April 2024, Revise and Resubmit to Journal of Finance[paper]

Composite Sorting (with Job Boerma, Ruodu Wang, and Zhenyuan Zhang), August 2023. [paper]

Policy with Stochastic Hysteresis [Older version] (with Job Boerma and Georgii Riabov), October 2023. [paper]

Macroeconomic and Asset Pricing Effects of Supply Chain Disasters (with Vladimir Smirnyagin), September 2022. [paper]

Bunching and Taxing Multidimensional Skills (with Job Boerma and Alexander P. Zimin), April 2022, Revise and Resubmit to Econometrica. [paper]

Beckmann’s Approach to Multi-item Multi-bidder Auctions (with Alexander Kolesnikov, Fedor Sandomirskiy, and Alexander P. Zimin), March 2022. [paper]

Weighted-Average Quantile Regression (with Denis Chetverikov and Yukun Liu), March 2022, Revise and Resubmit to Journal of Econometrics. [paper]

The Economics of Non-Fungible Tokens (with Nicola Borri and Yukun Liu), March 2022. [paper]

Accounting for Cryptocurrency Value (with Yukun Liu and Xi Wu), October 2021. [paper]

Taxes and Heat (with Stefan Steinerberger), December 2021, Previous version was circulated under “Tax mechanisms and gradient flows”. [paper]

Factor Clustering with t-SNE (with Philip Greengard, Yukun Liu & Stefan Steinerberger), September 20, 2020. [paper]

On Vickrey’s Income Averaging (with Stefan Steinerberger), April 2020. [paper]

A Variational Approach to the Analysis of Tax Systems (with Mikhail Golosov and Nicolas Werquin), December 2014. [Paper | Stochastic Model]

Dynamic Dispersed Information and the Credit Spread Puzzle (with Elias Albagli and Christian Hellwig), December 2013. [Paper]

Business Start-ups, the Lock-in Effect, and Capital Gains Taxation (with V.V. Chari and Mikhail Golosov), February 2005, revise and resubmit to Journal of Public Economics. [Paper]

Publications and Accepted Papers

Sorting with Teams (with Job Boerma and Alexander P. Zimin), 2024, Accepted to Journal of Political Economy. [Working Paper]

The Political Development Cycle: The Right and The Left in People's Republic of China from 1953 [Older version 1953-2011 | Older data version] (with Anton Chermukhin, Mikhail Golosov, and Sergei Guriev), forthcoming in American Economic Review, 2023. [Paper | Online Appendix]

A Dynamic Model of Input-Output Networks (with Ernest Liu), 2023, forthcoming at Review of Economic Studies. [paper]

Dispersed Information and Asset Prices (with Elias Albagli and Christian Hellwig), 2023, forthcoming Journal of Finance. [paper]

Imperfect Financial Markets and Shareholder Incentives in Partial and General Equilibrium (with Elias Albagli and Christian Hellwig), 2023, forthcoming at American Economic Review. [paper]

Generalized Compensation Principle (with Karl Shultz and Nicolas Werquin), November 2022, forthcoming in Theoretical Economics.[paper]

Taxes and Turnout: When the Decisive Voter Stays at Home. (with Felix Bierbrauer and Nicolas Werquin), August 2021, accepted to American Economic Review. [paper]

Common Risk Factors in Cryptocurrency (with Yukun Liu & Xi Wu), 2021, accepted to Journal of Finance. [paper]

Distortions and the Structure of the World Economy (with Lorenzo Caliendo and Fernando Parro), 2020, forthcoming in AEJ:Macro. [paper]

Risks and Returns of Cryptocurrency (with Yukun Liu), 2021, The Review of Financial Studies 34, no. 6. [paper]

Nonlinear Tax Incidence and Optimal Taxation in General Equilibrium (with Dominik Sachs and Nicolas Werquin), 2020, Econometrica 88, no.2 [Paper]

The Industrialization and Economic Development of Russia through the Lens of a Neoclassical Growth Model (with Anton Cheremukhin, Mikhail Golosov, Sergei Guriev), 2017, Review of Economic Studies, 84 (2): 613-649. [Paper]

Redistribution and Social Insurance (with Mikhail Golosov and Maxim Troshkin), 2016, American Economic Review, 106(2): 359-386. [Paper]

Recursive Contracts and Endogenously Incomplete Markets (with Mikhail Golosov and Nicolas Werquin), 2016, In Handbook of Macroeconomics , Vol. 2, pp. 725-841, Elsevier. [Paper]

Policy Implications of Dynamic Public Finance (with Mikhail Golosov), 2015, Annual Review of Economics, 7: 147–171. [Paper]

Decentralized Trading with Private Information (with Mikhail Golosov and Guido Lorenzoni), 2014, Econometrica, 82(3): 1055-1091. [Paper]

Dynamic Strategic Information Transmission (with Mikhail Golosov, Vasiliki Skreta and Andrea Wilson), 2014, Journal of Economic Theory, 151: 304-341. [Paper]

Optimal Taxes on Fossil Fuel in General Equilibrium (with Michael Golosov, John Hassler, and Per Krussel), 2014, Econometrica, 82(1): 41-88. [Paper | Sensitivity Analysis, by Lint Barrage]

Optimal Pension Systems with Simple Instruments (with Mikhail Golosov, Ali Shourideh, and Maxim Troshkin), May 2013, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 103(3): 502-507. [Paper]

Preference Heterogeneity and Optimal Captial Income Taxation (with Mikhail Golosov, Maxim Troshkin, and Matthew Weinzierl), 2013, Journal of Pubic Economics, 97: 160-175. [Paper]

A Dynamic Theory of Resource Wars (with Daron Acemoglu, Michael Golosov and Pierre Yared), 2012, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127(1): 283-331. [Paper | Appendix]

Prizes and Patents: Using Market Signals to Provide Incentives for Innovations (with V.V. Chari and Mikhail Golosov), 2012, Journal of Economic Theory, 147(2): 781-801. [Paper]

Power Fluctuations and Political Economy (with D. Acemoglu and M. Golosov), 2011, Journal of Economic Theory, 143(3), 1007-1041. [Paper]

Optimal Taxation: Merging Micro and Macro Approaches (with Mikhail Golosov and Maxim Troshkin), 2011, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 43: 147-174. [Paper]

Political Economy of Ramsey Taxation (with Daron Acemoglu and Michael Golosov), 2011, Journal of Public Economics, 95(7-8): 467-475. [Paper]

Dynamic Mirrlees Taxation under Political Economy Constraints (with Daron Acemoglu and Michael Golosov), 2009, Review of Economic Studies, 77(3): 841-881. [Paper]

A Theory of Liquidity and Regulation of Financial Intermediation (with E. Farhi and M. Golosov), 2009, Review of Economic Studies, 76(3): 973-992. [Paper]

Political Economy of Mechanisms (with D. Acemoglu and M. Golosov), 2008, Econometrica, 76(3): 619-641. [Paper]

Markets versus Governments (with D. Acemoglu and M. Golosov) 2007, Journal of Monetary Economics, 55(1), (2008): 159-189. [Paper]

Optimal Taxation with Endogenous Insurance Markets (with M.Golosov), 2007, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(2): 487-534. [Paper]

Self-fulfilling Currency Crisis: The Role of Interest Rates (with C. Hellwig and A. Mukherji), 2006, American Economic Review, 96(5): 1769-1787. [Paper]

Designing Optimal Disability Insurance: A Case for Asset Testing (with M. Golosov), 2006, Journal of Political Economy, 114(2): 257-279. [Paper | Supplement]

Optimal Indirect and Capital Taxation (with M. Golosov and N. Kocherlakota), 2003, Review of Economic Studies, 70(3): 569-588. [Paper]

New Dynamic Public Finance: a User’s Guide (with M. Golosov and I.Werning), 2006, NBER Macro Annual. [Paper]

Political Economy of Intermediate Goods Taxation (D. Acemoglu and M. Golosov), 2007, Journal of European Economic Association Papers and Proceedings. [Paper]

Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy with Commitment (with M. Golosov), The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed., Palgrave Macmillan. [Paper]

Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy without Commitment (with M. Golosov), forthcoming The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, 2nd ed., Palgrave Macmillan. [Paper]

Other Papers

Russian Attitudes Toward the West (with S. Guriev and M. Trudolyubov), CEFIR/NES Working Paper No. 135 [Paper]